Our mission is to demonstrate the traditional values of a Japanese business as a Japanese manufacturer.

We Take Pleasure In Challenging Industry Stereotypes.
Like when we broke from conventional wisdom by introducing a 2-in-1 PC stabilizer flap that worked on your lap. A single engineer proved that an exceptional idea is all you need to change everyone’s mind.

The VAIO Promise
Our laptops are designed to empower you to achieve your goals, no matter where your journey takes you. Our team member believes that a bold, yet deft, organic approach to manufacturing creates added value.

We Are Proud To Not Be Trendy
Rather than make unremarkable, micro-bezel, thin laptops like everyone else, we sought balance by locating our wireless antenna where it matters. This is an example of VAIO blending form and function to benefit the customer.

Proudly Made In Japan.
VAIO, and authentically Japanese manufacturer, can boast of in-house design, manufacturing and support teams. Our level of commitment to Japanese technology and aesthetics that is a hallmark of VAIO’s craftsmanship.”

VAIO Engineers Are Craftsmen Who Don’t Overthink Challenges.
VAIO provides support for legacy models of its global devices as an example of being in service to the Japanese business model and while still fulfilling our mission as a Japanese manufacturer.